Dein Programm

JUVINALE Screenings | The shore of unspoken

Die­se Woche ist Kurz­clip // The Shore of uns­po­ken // im FS1-Pro­gramm. Der Clip von Vero­ni­ka Penz wur­de in den JUVI­N­A­LE Scree­nings 2019 der Öffent­lich­keit prä­sen­tiert. Dau­er: 3.26 min. 


A young woman rea­li­ses that she has to make a lot of sacri­fices for her big dream of beco­ming a pro­fes­sio­nal dancer. Recei­ving no sup­port from her fri­ends and fami­ly, she is torn bet­ween her big dream and the desi­re for secu­ri­ty and appr­oval. Are all the sacri­fices worth it?

Vero­ni­ka Penz: Screen­play, Direc­ting, Editing, Sound Design
David Reindl: Screen­play, Cine­ma­to­gra­phy, Color Gra­ding
Mar­tin Dorfer: Moti­on Cap­tu­re, 3D Simu­la­ti­on, Ren­de­ring
Micha­el Ham­me­rer: Mode­ling, Post Pro­duc­tion, Sound Design
Jas­mi­na Huynh: Text Pro­duc­tion, 3D Simu­la­ti­on, Orga­ni­sa­ti­on
Manu­el Sam: 3D Lay­out, Mode­ling, Shading 

Pro­gramm­zei­ten sie­he Ver­lin­kun­gen unter­halb des Beitrages.

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