Academy Dein FS1

Media against Hate — Video contest. Be part of it.

Take part in the Media against Hate video con­test and help us coll­ect coun­ter-nar­ra­ti­ves fight­ing ste­reo­ty­pes and dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on in the media!

What is it about?

Media – in all its forms – play a cru­cial role in the sha­ping of iden­ti­ties, in the pro­mo­ti­on or inhi­bi­ti­on of dia­lo­gue, soli­da­ri­ty and reco­gni­ti­on. Which stra­te­gies and tools can empower coun­ter-nar­ra­ti­ves and chall­enge main­stream per­cep­ti­ons of refu­gees, of migra­ti­on, of mar­gi­na­li­sed groups in general?

This in an invi­ta­ti­on to pro­fes­sio­nal jour­na­lists, com­mu­ni­ty media prac­ti­tio­ners and media stu­dents in Euro­pe to docu­ment how their dai­ly work helps fight against dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on and coun­ter hate. We sup­port that!

How to enter:
To be eli­gi­ble, you must be resi­dent in a EU mem­ber sta­te, Ice­land or Liech­ten­stein. Regis­ter here by Janu­ary 15th, 2017 here: http://europeanjournalists.org/mediaagainsthate/video-contest/

You will recei­ve a Drop­Box link whe­re you can upload your video until Febru­ary 15th, 2017. Sub­mit a video (mini­mum one minu­te and maxi­mum 2 minu­tes) illus­t­ra­ting how media and jour­na­lists can play a role in coun­tering hate speech and nega­ti­ve ste­reo­ty­pes. The video can be in any lan­guage but has to be sub­tit­led in English.

You can choo­se any for­mat that will play on You­Tube opti­mi­sed for strea­ming (MOV, MPEG4, MP4, AVI, WMV, MPEGPS, FLV, 3GPP or WebM). The jury will con­sist of repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of civil socie­ty. Here you can find the guidelines. 

The award:
The aut­hors of the five favou­ri­te vide­os will be invi­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te to the Media against Hate work­shops in 2017 and the final con­fe­rence in March 2018 – whe­re they will meet their jury.

The sel­ec­ted vide­os will be made available on the Media against Hate website.The pro­ject is finan­ci­al­ly sup­port­ed by the Euro­pean Com­mis­si­on (DG Jus­ti­ce and Con­su­mers) and by the Broad­cas­ting Board of Governors.

Be part of it! 

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Von Sara Wichelhaus

Redaktionsleitung Kultur/ Koordinationsleitung PR & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (2014 - 2017)

Sara leitetete die Ausbildungsredaktion Kultur bei FS1 – Freies Fernsehen Salzburg, sowie die Koordination der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und begleitet als Referentin Workshops. Als Festivalleiterin des Nachwuchsfilmfestivals Juvinale und Mitglied des Vereins offscreen ist sie Teil der Salzburger Filmszene.

Zudem ist Sara auch als freie Referentin für das Institut für Medienbildung und die Radiofabrik aktiv. Dadurch hat sie sowohl Workshops mit Kindern und Jugendlichen begleitet als auch im Sektor der Erwachsenenbildung gewirkt.

Momentan studiert sie an der Paris-Lodron-Universität Kommunikationswissenschaft.

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