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Online Concerts — Pavel Gililov, Lea Hausmann, Tue Yu & Samuel Sheppard

Acclai­med pia­nist and pedago­gue Pavel Gili­l­ov per­forms Schumann’s Pia­no Quar­tet tog­e­ther with out­stan­ding young musi­ci­ans Lea Haus­mann, Yue Yu and Samu­el Shepherd.

In addi­ti­on to his solo appearan­ces with orchestras like Marin­sky Orches­tra or the Vien­na Sym­pho­nic Orches­tra, Pavel Gili­l­ov enjoy­ed a long las­ting cham­ber music part­ner­ship with Dimi­t­ri Sit­ko­vets­ky and Mischa Mais­ky.
Pavel Gili­l­ov is curr­ent­ly tea­ching at the Mozar­te­um Uni­ver­si­ty in Salz­burg.
Both Lea Haus­mann and Samu­el She­p­herd are foun­ding mem­bers of the Ama­tis Pia­no Trio and have per­for­med in venues like Wig­mo­re Hall or Wie­ner Kon­zert­haus.
Yue Yu is win­ner of the Paul Hin­de­mith Vio­la Com­pe­ti­ti­on in Salz­burg and is curr­ent­ly per­suing her Master’s degree with Tho­mas Riebl at the Mozar­te­um Uni­ver­si­ty in Salzburg.

Pro­gram: R. Schu­mann — Pia­no Quar­tet in E♭ major, Op. 47
Die­ses Kon­zert wur­de in Koope­ra­ti­on mit “Anif.Kultur” im Ani­fer Haus der Kul­tur aufgezeichnet.

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