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Online Concerts | Yannick Rafalimanana & Karolina Errera

It is a real mira­cle that this per­for­mance could even take place! Having to tra­vel from Ber­lin to Salz­burg, mana­ging all the bor­der con­trols, Yan­nick Rafa­li­man­a­na and Karo­li­na Errera gave us a heck of a per­for­mance of the Hin­de­mith Sona­ta for Vio­la and Pia­no Op. 11. Thank you Yan­nick and Karo­li­na for coming to Salz­burg and sha­ring your won­derful arti­stry! As for you: join, lis­ten, enjoy and share!

Stein­way & Sons Loca­ti­on: Came­ra­ta Salzburg

Audio Cre­dit: Valen­tin Malanetski

Spe­cial thanks: Yulia Shestakova

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