Dein FS1

New EVS in FS1: From the sea to the montains

My name is Chu­se and I am a spa­nish jour­na­list who has joi­n­ed the FS1 team as the new Euro­pean Vol­un­teer for the next year. 

After finis­hing my stu­dies, I work­ed for some years in radio and local tele­vi­si­on in my home­town, run­ning dif­fe­rent pro­grams and col­la­bo­ra­ting with seve­ral con­tents, such as reports, inter­views, cul­tu­ral agen­da and social net­works.

I  come from a sea city, Ali­can­te, which is real­ly dif­fe­rent to Salz­burg, and even though I can’t live far from the beach for too long, this is my second time in Aus­tria, sin­ce I alre­a­dy lived in the south of the coun­try for one year when I work­ed as an Au-pair. 

So, from this point, just let’s enjoy every moment of this year and take advan­ta­ge of every new experience!

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