Dein Programm

Subnet Talk | Matthew Mosher

Im aktu­el­len sub­net­TALK wird das The­ma „Maschi­nen­kult“ im Span­nungs­feld von Kunst, For­schung und Tech­no­lo­gie behan­delt. Zu Gast ist Matthew Mos­her, Künst­ler und Assis­tenz­pro­fes­sor für “game and inter­ac­ti­ve media” an der Uni­ver­si­ty of Cen­tral Florida. 

Vor­trags­spra­che: Englisch.

Inhalt des Vortrages

Throug­hout his art prac­ti­ce Matthew Mos­her has invi­ted the public to phy­si­cal­ly enga­ge with his work using the power of human touch. Sin­ce Mar­tin Heid­eg­ger deve­lo­ped his phi­lo­so­phy of Phe­no- meno­lo­gy, desi­gners have appli­ed embo­di­ment to make their pro­jects more meaningful and impactful. This talk will exami­ne how stra­te­gies from tan­gi­ble inter­ac­tion design can be imple­men­ted within the fine arts to crea­te moving expe­ri­en­ces for par­ti­ci­pan­ts, and by doing so empower peo­p­le to see the world from dif­fe­rent perspectives.

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