Dein Programm

SEAD | Mmmmmmmmm

Eine Tanz­cho­reo­gra­fie von Vitto­ria de Fer­ra­ri Sapet­to zum The­ma Plas­tik. Wie ent­steht es, wie sinn­voll ist es und wie beein­flusst es unse­ren Alltag? 

Eine Tanzchoreografie von Vittoria de Ferrari Sapetto zum Thema Plastik. Wie entsteht es, wie sinnvoll ist es und wie beeinflusst es unseren Alltag?

Mmmmmmmmm, cho­reo­gra­phy by Vitto­ria de Fer­ra­ri Sapet­to during the Sym­pho­nic Dance Fes­ti­val in SEAD — Salz­burg Expe­ri­men­tal Aca­de­my of Dance.

A reflec­tion about plastic.

When was it crea­ted? In which ways was it useful at that time? What was hap­pe­ning in art in that spe­ci­fic his­to­ri­cal peri­od? How can pla­s­tic effect our dai­ly life? Do we rea­li­ze the real quan­ti­ty of pla­s­tic we use every day un our life? Is the­re dif­fe­rence bet­ween all the­se ter­ri­ble images of ani­mal eating and dying becau­se of pla­s­tic and human beings?

Direc­tor: Vitto­ria de Fer­ra­ri Sapetto
Assistant: Die­go Fran­cis­co Ruerda
Crea­ted and per­for­med by: Ari­el Hay­oun, Chloé Len­dor­my, Mar­ga­re­ta Firin­ger, Michae­la  Kad­lčí­ko­vá, Paul Couchard, Shiri Perel­muter, susan­na Yli­ko­ski, Tris­tan Benon, Valt­tri Ville Keinänen
Guest: Anto­nio Por­cu Carta
Music: Jour­ney for a tra­vel­ler (Anne Mull­er & Nils Frahm), an evening with Olaf­ur Arnalds an Nils Frah

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