Dein Programm

Democracy Now! auf FS1. Schau rein.

Demo­cra­cy Now! is a natio­nal, dai­ly, inde­pen­dent, award-win­ning news pro­gram hos­ted by jour­na­lists Amy Good­man and Juan Gonzalez.
Pio­nee­ring the lar­gest public media col­la­bo­ra­ti­on in the U.S., Demo­cra­cy Now! is broad­cast on Paci­fi­ca, NPR, com­mu­ni­ty, and col­lege radio sta­ti­ons; on public access, PBS, satel­li­te tele­vi­si­on and on the inter­net. DN!’s pod­cast is one of the most popu­lar on the web.

Demo­cra­cy Now!’s War and Peace Report pro­vi­des our audi­ence with access to peo­p­le and per­spec­ti­ves rare­ly heard in the U.S.corporate-sponsored media, inclu­ding inde­pen­dent and inter­na­tio­nal jour­na­lists, ordi­na­ry peo­p­le from around the world who are direct­ly affec­ted by U.S. for­eign poli­cy, grass­roots lea­ders and peace acti­vists, artists, aca­de­mics and inde­pen­dent ana­lysts. In addi­ti­on, Demo­cra­cy Now! hosts real debates–debates bet­ween peo­p­le who sub­stan­ti­al­ly dis­agree, such as bet­ween the White House or the Pen­ta­gon spo­ke­speo­p­le on the one hand, and grass­roots acti­vists on the other.

Watch out for sen­ding times of Demo­cra­cy Now! in the pro­gram­me of FS1.

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