Dein Programm

Eye — Dr.Tuti| Das neue Magazin über Augenheilkunde. Schau zu.

“Dr. Tuti” is from Azer­bei­jan and got her medi­cal degree in Baku, in the Sta­te Medi­cal University. 

In her maga­zin Eye — Dr. Tuti she will reflect on dif­fe­rent topics of Oph­thal­mo­lo­gy, in the field she was spe­cia­li­zed. Ever­y­bo­dy is invi­ted to dis­cuss with her. 

This week at FS1 you will see the intro­duc­tion video for her maga­zin fol­lo­wed by the the first maga­zi­nes during the next weeks. 

Watch out for sen­ding times in the FS1 pro­gram or look at it in our you­tube chan­nel

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