Dein Programm

E u r o p e : W i m p s ?

Der Regis­seur Leon­hard Pill hat in jah­rerlan­ger Arbeit Salz­bur­ge­rin­nen und Salz­bur­ger mit inter­na­tio­na­lem Hin­ter­grund gefragt hat, was die Idee Euro­pa für sie eigent­lich ist. 

The crew of Euro­pe: Wimps? made a vox pop in the small city of Salz­burg (Aus­tria) inter­vie­w­ing inte­res­t­ing Euro­peans, like “bor­ing nor­ma­los”, pro­fes­sors, workers, stu­dents, home­l­ess, priests, pro­sti­tu­tes and many more. The Wimps’ artis­tic ambi­ti­on is trans­por­ted in terms of the con­cept as well as through atmo­sphe­re, pho­to­gra­phy, editing or music.
All inter­view­ees speak in their mother ton­gue and the movie com­pri­ses about 17 dif­fe­rent lan­guages. In order to be unders­tood by the majo­ri­ty of Euro­peans, it will only be sub­tit­led (in Eng­lish or other languages). 

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Die Sen­de­zei­ten fin­det ihr wie gewohnt im Pro­gramm von FS1.

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