Dein Programm

Studio Session mit “Smoke the Bees” auf FS1. Rock mit.

Smo­ke the Bees is an alter­na­ti­ve rock band from Turin, Ita­ly, for­med in 2012. Their music com­bi­nes diver­se gen­res and influen­ces crea­ting an distinc­ti­ve sound with a lea­ding thread. It is inten­se, atmo­sphe­ric, reflec­ti­ve, as well as tun­eful, irrever­ent and catchy.

This gene­ra­tes a natu­ral empa­thy from the first lis­tening, diver­ging from the local music sce­ne and the Ita­li­an music in gene­ral. Source of inspi­ra­ti­on are Radio­head, Spark­le­hor­se, Syd Bar­rett, and the Ice­lan­dic music scene.

The Stu­dio Ses­si­on with Chu­se Con­gost is pre­sen­ted in Eng­lish language. 

Just click on our pro­gram­me to see broad­cas­ting times.

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