Dein Programm

Subnet Talk | Contemporary Curating with a Sustainable Collaboration as Focus

Vor­trags­spra­che: Englisch

V2_Curator Flo­ri­an Weigl will share his cura­to­ri­al prac­ti­ce in which he focu­ses on dif­fe­rent ways of col­la­bo­ra­ting. V2_, Lab for the Unsta­ble Media is an insti­tu­ti­on working with artist pre­sen­ting pro­du­cing and publi­shing rese­arch at the inter­face of art, tech­no­lo­gy and socie­ty my enti­re prac­ti­ce evol­ves around co-pro­du­cing, pre­sen­ting and sharing. 

During this talk Flo­ri­an will explain three ways in which he col­la­bo­ra­tes on long terms with artists and rese­ar­chers in the deve­lo­p­ment and fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of works, embed­ding the com­mis­sio­ned works into V2_’song term rese­arch and in a way in which he crea­tes a place for expe­ri­ments and future deve­lo­p­ment from tho­se live expe­ri­ments. All meant to keep the con­ver­sa­ti­on going and to in one way or ano­ther keep working on the pro­ject — aiming at a sus­tainable rela­ti­onship with an artist, not one in which the artists has to ‘hop’ from com­mis­si­on-part­ner to com­mis­si­on-part­ner but dive in dept into com­mu­nal research.

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