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2020 01 15 Subnet Talk Jennifer Katanyoutantant

subnetTALK| Jennifer Katanyoutantant

Wir prä­sen­tie­ren den ers­ten sub­net­TALK des Jah­res. Zu Wort kommt die inter­dis­zi­pli­nä­re Künst­le­rin Jen­ni­fer Katan­y­ou­t­an­ant. Vor­trags­spra­che: Englisch.

Home cooked: Exploring ‚authenticity‘ through edible gaming

In her talk, Jen­ni­fer Katan­y­ou­t­an­ant dis­cus­ses using games to turn the sheer expan­se of glo­bal food trade into a fun, sen­so­ry expe­ri­ence. She shares the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess for “Home Coo­ked”, an inter­ac­ti­ve, edi­ble board game that acts as a phy­si­cal mani­fes­ta­ti­on of the distinct cul­tu­ral tra­di­ti­ons that have been foun­ded upon a long­stan­ding histo­ry of glo­bal exch­an­ge and migra­ti­on. The game looks at how a for­eign ingre­di­ent makes its way into a new coun­try and inte­gra­tes into a region’s exis­ting food voca­bu­la­ry. The pro­ject is crea­ted in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Nebras­ka based artist, Grace Wong.

Jen­ni­fer Katan­y­ou­t­an­ant is an inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry artist working in inter­ac­ti­ve medi­ums such as AR, VR, instal­la­ti­on, and game design. Her work explo­res tan­gi­ble mani­fes­ta­ti­ons of com­plex data struc­tures, the recipro­cal rela­ti­onship bet­ween per­so­nal and glo­bal sys­tems, and their influence on cul­tu­re, iden­ti­ty, and media. Recent pro­jects include a mul­ti­me­dia inves­ti­ga­ti­on into the effects of muk­bang on Sou­the­ast Asia’s fishing eco­sys­tem, an AR fue­led art gal­lery, and a migra­ti­on the­med edi­ble board game.

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