Dein Programm


The Three Amigos

“Colour in your life” ist ein aus­tra­li­sches Com­mu­ni­ty-Medi­en For­mat, das die ver­schie­dens­ten bil­den­denen Künst­ler und Künst­le­rin­nen in einer TV-Show vor­stellt. In die­ser Aus­ga­be: The Three Amigos: 

“Three of the grea­test water Colour Artists on the pla­net get tog­e­ther to paint one incre­di­ble mas­ter pie­ce. Joseph Zbuk­vic, Alva­ro Cas­ta­gnet and Her­man Pekel. The Three Ami­gos crea­te one of the grea­test water colour pie­ces in the world. The­se men are sim­ply ama­zing to watch.

Alva­ro Cas­ta­gnet is one of the world’s most high­ly respec­ted water­co­lor artists. His pain­tings are imbued with a mood, a mys­tery that enga­ge and lure the view­er into the magic. He is an expres­si­ve pain­ter. He exhi­bits a strong, impres­si­ve and colorful style with superb inter­pre­ta­ti­on of light effects that cap­tu­re the soul of places he paints.

Joseph Zbuk­vic is a lea­ding mas­ter of water­co­lour medi­um of his time. His impres­si­ve achie­ve­ments and enorm­ous suc­cess is due to his abili­ty to trans­form any sub­ject into visu­al poe­tic lan­guage. Cove­ring an infi­ni­te varie­ty of sub­jects, his sen­si­ti­ve, lyri­cal and atmo­sphe­ric pain­tings have cap­tu­red peo­p­le and gal­le­ries from all around the world.

Her­man Pekel is an artist of ener­gy and enthu­si­asm. He is able to see a pain­ting in almost any sub­ject mat­ter and is capa­ble of pro­du­cing award win­ning work in oil, water­co­lour or gou­ache. He pro­du­ces pain­tings of strong design and powerful impact – every brush­stro­ke vibrant and visi­ble. The scope of Herman’s work has ran­ged from dyna­mic indus­tri­al sce­n­ery to soft, draped inte­ri­ors and broad Aus­tra­li­an land­scapes, which indi­ca­tes the crea­tively fearless natu­re of this uni­que artist.”

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