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Democracy Now | Die TV-Debatte Clinton vs. Trump. Watch out.

Donald Trump and Hil­la­ry Clin­ton faced off Mon­day night in one of the most anti­ci­pa­ted deba­tes in U.S. histo­ry. The deba­te was held at Hof­stra Uni­ver­si­ty on Long Island and mode­ra­ted by NBC Night­ly News anchor Les­ter Holt. 

Ahead of the event, TV net­work exe­cu­ti­ves pre­dic­ted as many as 100 mil­li­on peo­p­le across the United Sta­tes would tune in. Many more also wat­ched from around the world, inclu­ding across Asia, Euro­pe and in Latin America. 

Third-par­ty can­di­da­tes, inclu­ding Liber­ta­ri­an Gary John­son and the Green Party’s Jill Stein, were excluded from the deba­te stage under strin­gent rules set by the Com­mis­si­on on Pre­si­den­ti­al Deba­tes, which is con­trol­led by the Demo­cra­tic and Repu­bli­can parties. 

Throug­hout the 90-minu­te, often ant­ago­ni­stic, deba­te, Clin­ton and Trump spar­red on ever­y­thing from for­eign poli­cy to trade deals to per­so­nal stami­na. The­se are the can­di­da­tes clas­hing over the Trans-Paci­fic Part­ner­ship deal, known as the TPP.

Das Spe­cial des US ame­ri­ka­ni­schen Polit­ma­ga­zins Demo­cra­cy Now! zu sehen im Pro­gramm von FS1.

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