Dein Programm

FH Salzburg | Creativiy Rules 2023 | Eluciæn & Furian | Inner War

This back to back live per­for­mance by Elu­ciæn and Furi­an explo­res the issue of “Inner War”, allo­wing both musi­cal and visu­al fronts to col­l­i­de.
How does it feel when there’s a war going on in your own mind? And what are the­se inner batt­les we fight against ourselves?Tobias Knob­lech­ner aka Furi­an and Han­nah Lucia Brosch aka Elu­ciæn face the­se ques­ti­ons in a back to back live set and let both musi­cal and visu­al fronts clash. The audi­ence — caught in the midd­le — is torn bet­ween cha­os and order, dis­tur­ban­ce and dre­a­mi­ness, des­truc­tion and construction.

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