Dein Programm

FH Salzburg | Creativiy Rules 2023 | Opening | Flavia Mazzanti

Fla­via Maz­z­an­ti is an Ita­li­an-Bra­zi­li­an Vien­na based artist, archi­tect and entre­pre­neur in the field of vir­tu­al rea­li­ty and digi­tal media. She is the co-foun­der of Imme­rea – an inter­ac­ti­ve media com­pa­ny focu­sing on the deve­lo­p­ment of VR games and vir­tu­al instal­la­ti­ons – co-orga­ni­zer of XRVi­en­na, and acti­ve as lec­tu­rer at natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal uni­ver­si­ties, sym­po­si­ums and fes­ti­vals.
Her work explo­res artis­tic-phi­lo­so­phi­cal con­cepts on post-anthro­po­cen­trism, new mate­ria­lism, body and iden­ti­ty with the inte­rest in pro­vi­ding alter­na­ti­ve per­spec­ti­ves on our­sel­ves and our envi­ron­ment. Fla­via gra­dua­ted with distinc­tion at the Aca­de­my of Fine Arts Vien­na, recei­ving the Gus­tav Peichl Award for archi­tec­tu­ral dra­wing and the Wür­di­gungs­preis for artis­tic work. Her work has been scree­ned and award­ed at mul­ti­ple natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal fes­ti­vals, among others the Ars Elec­tro­ni­ca Fes­ti­val, DA Z — Digi­tal Arts Fes­ti­val Zurich, Par­al­lel Vien­na, ADAF. Fla­via is lis­ted on the For­bes 30 Under 30 Euro­pe list of 2023.

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