Dein Programm

FH Salzburg | Creativiy Rules 2023 | Sinisa Vidovic

Sini­sa Vido­vic is a con­cep­tio­nist and film­ma­ker.
He stu­di­ed film and video at the Linz Uni­ver­si­ty of Art. With his diplo­ma the­sis, the short film “Tata Mor­ga­na”, he visi­ted seve­ral film fes­ti­vals (from Moscow to Washing­ton) and won num­e­rous awards, inclu­ding best Aus­tri­an stu­dent film of the year. This was the first time he attrac­ted atten­ti­on in the Aus­tri­an film land­scape. Short­ly after, Sini­sa was offe­red a direc­ting con­tract by Dor Film for his first fea­ture film (the pro­ject is curr­ent­ly in the deve­lo­p­ment pha­se). His cur­rent film pro­ject is a fea­ture docu­men­ta­ry, which is pro­du­ced by Gol­den Girls Filmproduktion.

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