Dein Programm

Influx Arts | Sea/Mehr

Eine clownesk-groteske Parabel

Performance aus dem Toihaus in collaboration with CLOWNFABRIK 

A sea of clothes.

The Medi­ter­ra­ne­an? The remains of a col­lap­sed clot­hing fac­to­ry?
Does not real­ly mat­ter. Some­whe­re down the­re may be many dead.
The ques­ti­on is: how did this cata­stro­phe come about?

The 3 per­for­mers on stage approach this ques­ti­on from an exis­ten­ti­al per­spec­ti­ve becau­se they can­not do other­wi­se. A clown feels, sen­ses, per­cei­ves and acts accor­din­gly. Wit­hout thin­king too much.

The clown repres­ents the arche­ty­pe of the human psy­che.
The clown is the embo­di­ment of unfil­te­red emo­ti­ons, a per­mis­si­on to free­dom, an anar­chist.
The clown wants to be loved and in his endea­vors his human faults are reve­a­led.
The clown fails – often.

A sea of clo­thes. Emo­ti­ons such as greed, envy and shame come into play and are lived out to the point of cra­zy with the playful­ness of the clown in its light­ness and depth.

In this col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve work bet­ween INFLUX and Clown­fa­brik, the artists explo­re the sub­con­scious moti­va­tions behind one of the dis­as­ters of our time. They exami­ne the emo­tio­nal land­scape of greed from a clownesque/grotesque point of view, as a way of deal­ing with the topic of the inci­dent of the Rana Pla­za clot­hing fac­to­ry col­lap­se in Ban­gla­desh in 2013.

Per­for­mance: Agnes Dis­tel­ber­ger, Oli­via Mit­ter­hue­mer, Vik­to­ria Wirth

Ent­wi­ckelt von: Tomaz Sima­to­vic, Ursu­la Schwarz, Naya­na Keshava

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