Dein Programm

FH Salzburg | Creativiy Rules 2023 | Marc Damm

Marc’s prac­ti­ce and crea­ti­ve con­sul­tancy incor­po­ra­tes design rese­arch metho­do­lo­gies from various fields, dra­wing from a diver­se ran­ge of influen­ces, aes­the­tics, phi­lo­so­phy, and tech­no­lo­gy. Along­side his core acti­vi­ty as design lead on an inter­na­tio­nal sca­le, he gives lec­tures, sits on juries and publishes on design.
His wide cli­ent-base includes the Euro­pean Orga­niza­ti­on for Nuclear Rese­arch (CERN), the Aus­tri­an pavi­li­on at the EXPO world’s fair, lea­ding law com­pa­ny Wolf Theiss, broad­cas­ters like the Nor­we­gi­an NRK and Aus­tri­an ORF, renow­ned art schools like the Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Arts Vien­na and Uni­ver­si­ty of Arts Linz, muse­ums such as the Tech­no­lo­gy Muse­um and Natu­ral Histo­ry Muse­um in Vien­na, the Aus­tri­an Fede­ral Minis­try of the Inte­ri­or, Pop­fest Vien­na, Neu­do­erf­ler, and the Haydn Socie­ty Vien­na to name a few.
He curr­ent­ly works as Seni­or Desi­gner at Bleed.

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