Influx | Netzwerk für Tanz, Theater und Performance

As artists, we are mul­ti-tas­kers. We do more than just crea­ting and per­forming our work. We con­cei­ve ide­as, pro­du­ce, orga­ni­se, enter­pri­se, share, com­mu­ni­ca­te, question.

We con­tri­bu­te to crea­ting cul­tu­re.
And we can­not do this alone.

INFLUX is an inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry artist net­work that belie­ves in the power of com­mu­ni­ty.
We belie­ve in sus­tainable art, and we know that achie­ving sus­taina­bi­li­ty requi­res the enga­ge­ment of a community.

We are an open net­work of artists, col­la­bo­ra­ting through our respec­ti­ve medi­ums in order to crea­te works across gen­res of per­forming and visu­al arts.

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