Dein Programm

Subnet Talk | Lyndsey WAlsh

„Crea­tures and their Crea­tors„
Mons­ters can be read as signals and war­nings, dra­wing atten­ti­on to that which dis­turbs the boun­da­ry of com­mu­nal and socie­tal norms. Loo­king at the con­text of the mons­ter and its rela­ti­onship to tech­no­lo­gy and cul­tu­re, this talk will explo­re the haun­ted realms and unsett­ling crea­tures that lurk among­st tech­no­sci­en­ti­fic advance­ments and rese­arch. We will also explo­re what crea­tes a mons­ter and who or what can be held accoun­ta­ble for them.

Lynd­sey Walsh is an Ame­ri­can artist, wri­ter, and rese­ar­cher based in Ber­lin, DE. Lynd­sey is enthr­al­led by the rup­tures in the cor­po­rea­li­ty of cul­tu­re cau­sed by tech­no­lo­gy. They are also fix­a­ted on the crea­tures that are born from the­se rup­tures, as they embo­dy both coll­ec­ti­ve cul­tu­ral fears and tech­no­lo­gi­cal­ly media­ted desi­res. Lyndsey’s prac­ti­ce employs que­er and inter­sec­tion­al femi­nist frame­works to ques­ti­on the ten­si­ons that can exist sur­roun­ding the­se crea­tures who­se very exis­tence resists cul­tu­ral and anthro­po­cen­tric bina­ries of human-non-human, dise­a­sed-healt­hy, and life-machine.

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