Dein Programm

Götterfunk Studio Session | GMYAS

When the first par­tic­les in the uni­ver­se col­l­i­ded, the uni­ver­se was crea­ted. That was cer­tain­ly a cool event. A few years later, in 2007, when a cou­ple of guys from Hal­lein, Aus­tria got tog­e­ther with the aim of making rock n roll, that’s when things real­ly star­ted to make sen­se and beca­me colourful. Sin­ce then, and an esti­ma­ted 1000 riffs later, it’s still time for them to put tog­e­ther the influen­ces of house high fuzz walls, fur­ry soft-soul lyrics and neon-glo­wing psy­che­de­lic parts. The band func­tions like a vege­ta­ble patch, some things chan­ge over time, some things get thrown in or chop­ped out, but at their core they remain the same hea­vy but char­ming rock show, always rea­dy to grow some trip­py mush­rooms on your ear­d­rums and minds.

Audio Post-pro­duc­tion & Mix:
Stu­dio — Lolan Sound

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